
Specializing in Garden Design, Installation, and Maintenance since 1996. We aim to provide the absolute best organic garden service through design and maintenance. With an emphasis on building healthy soil, through organic compost and pest control, we make gardens and yards chemical free for healthier people, plants and animals.





Welcome Spring!

Thank you for stopping by! Please look around as we have added some new photos of our most recent work!!
Anne Williams Garden -
Rose Campion, "Queen of the Prarie" Filipendula, Grandiflora Foxgloves, Astilbe, Nasturtium, Victoria Blue Salvia, etc
Anne Williams Gardens - Spruce Head

Anne Williams Gardens - Walled Garden with many perennials and annuals

Dahlias, Verbena Bonariensis, and Monarch Butterflies

Penbay Medical Center Route 1 Island Garden -
Just finishing planting many annuals

Anne Williams gardens with Echinacea, purple Salvia and butterflies

Berry Manor Inn
Cosmos, Nasturtiums, Hosta, and Purple Salvia
Berry Manor Inn pot
Penbay Medical Center - Weeding and watering Route 1 Garden

1. Berry Manor Inn -Window box with Maiden Hair Ferns, Pink Begonias, variegated Philadendron, and Prayer Plant.       
Top: Linda Lesher Rose Garden -
Starting to plant "Drift" and New Dawn Roses with Munstead Lavender.

Bottom: Berry Manor Inn -
Victorian plantings of Witch Hazel, Rhododendron, Dogwood, Russian Cypress, assorted Heurchera, and Asters.

1.Ob-Gyn Womens Health - Penbay Medical Center
Veronica, Chrysanthemums, ornamental Kale, Red Fountain Grass, Bugbane, Echinacea, etc  2. Penbay Medical Center Route 1 Garden
Canna Lily, Heuchera, Verbena Bonariensis, Dahlias, Mandevilla, ornamental Kale, etc

1.Front Entrance Gardens - Berry Manor Inn         2. OB-GYN Women's Health -with many annuals and perennials

1.Penbay Medical Center -
Inner Courtyard Garden  2.Penbay Medical Center -
Courtyard Inner Gardens
Many hostas with Ladies Mantle

Anne Williams Gardens - Trumpet vine with Hostas, Ladies Mantle, and Japanese Ferns

White "Purity" Dahlia, with other Dahlias in background

Cottage Garden with Ornamental grass, Victoria Blue Salvia, Red Dahlias

Berry Manor Inn in early Autumn -
New Guinea Impatiens with Epimedium garden plantings

Rockport - Looking out to the Harbor -
Formal Gardens with pink Astilbe, Daylilies, Joe Pye Weed, etc

Daylilies, Queen of the Prarie Filipendula, Sunflowers, Rose Campion, etc

Georgiana McCabe Garden - Camden
Purple Smokebush, Echinacea, Butterfly Bush, Heuchera, Artemesia, Ageratum, etc.

Georgianna McCabe Garden - Camden
Echinacea, Heuchera, Artemesia, Purple Smokebush, Buddleia, Shasta Daisy

Ken Dickey Garden - Megunticook Lake, Camden
Pink New Guinea Impatients, Diamond Frost Euphorbia with Roses

"Harry" the dog taking a dip in the fountain at Linda Leshers

Blue Spruce with Helianthus, Autumn Joy Sedum, and Silver Brocade Artemesia at Doug Johnson's - Post Office, Owls Head

Japanese Anemones, Curry plants, Double pink Impatiens, Licorice, and Pink Knockout Roses at the Jenkins

Front walkway beds at the Jenkins, late summer

Penbay Medical Center

Women's Health and OB- Front Entrance

Berry Manor- Front Entrance

Lined with "Apricot Impression" Tulips and
"Singing the Blues" Muscari

"Designer Impression" Tulips

Susan Beebe - Lynne Manning Fine Gardening General Manager at Knox Long Term Care "Very Front" Garden

Asian Garden - Knox Long Term Care with Japanese Ferns, Woodland Phlox, Cutleaf Japanese Maple, Ostrich Ferns.

A Linda Lesher garden in Spring

Lady Slippers at the Jenkins, in front of a pine

Siberian Iris

Amaranth and "Hope for Humanity" roses at
Knox Long Term Care

"Yellow Rocket" ligularia